We Will Not Be Neutral
Image Source: Amy M. Martz
Image Source: Amy M. Martz
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” – Bishop Desmond Tutu.
The entire world is observing the funeral services of George Floyd and acknowledging the existence of systemic racism. It is very clear that history will record May and June of 2020 as a seminal moment in the debate about racial equity and social justice. Truthshine is being launched in the midst of this realignment to review the history of systemic oppression against Black people and shine the light of truth on the American story.
Truthshine will not be neutral in the face of injustice. We will oppose: racism in all of its forms, medical apartheid, economic inequality, mass incarceration and support antiracist ideals and antiracist policy. We will not be silent, we will raise our voice and we ask the people of Tampa Bay to join us in ensuring that the truth shines in this moment and into the future. Black Lives Matter.
Tony Collins & Steve Sanger
Co-founders, Truthshine